Key Populations Influencers in social media are people who have a story to tell in a manner that positively influence others. These are also individuals who have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic. We are looking for individuals with stories to tell in terms of HIV, TB and STIs. Th successful individuals will be required to make regular posts about topics closer to their hearts, based on their lived experience on their preferred social media channels and generate large followings of enthusiastic, engaged people who pay close attention to their views.
If you have what it takes to influence people based on your lived experience in the HIV, TB and STIs, we would like to hear from you:
•You must identify openly as the following Key Populations:
oPeople Living with HIV
oPeople Living with TB
oSex WorkersoLGBTIQ+
oPeople Who Inject/ Use Drugs (PWID/ PWUD)
oAdolescent Girls & Young Women
•Have a fair understanding of HIV, TB & STI
•Must have strong social media presence
•Have local network at local level
•Ability to communicate in one African language apart from English or AfrikaansKey role will be as follows:
•Attending of Human Rights activities/ community events in your district working with SMYN and its selected Implementing Partner Organisation (IPO)
•Attend the Human Rights Toolkit workshops and be ready to teach others once you have attended the workshop
•Engage local media for interviews and conduct these media interviews
•Participate on an anti-stigma and discrimination advocacy campaigns
•Document Human Rights Violations related to HIV, TB & STIs and where necessary, participate in responding to the violations documented
•Attend the Human Rights Violations Standing Committee meetings whenever invited
•Share messages on social media and other media platforms that address stigma and discrimination against Key & Vulnerable Populations
If you are interested, please send us your CV and including links to your social media pages sent to Sthembile Mthanti at
Deadline: Monday, 3 May 2021