Show Me Your Number



The South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) brings together government, civil society and the private sector to create a collective response to HIV, TB and STIs in South Africa. The Council is chaired by the Deputy President of South Africa



The South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) ( is a voluntary association of institutions established by the national cabinet of the South African Government to build consensus across government, civil society and all other stakeholders to drive an enhanced country response to the scourges of HIV, TB and STIs. The Council is not a juristic person. Under the direction of SANAC, the government of South Africa created the South African National AIDS Council Trust as the legal entity that is charged with achieving its aims. The SANAC Secretariat exists to implement the objects of the SANAC Trust established in terms of the Trust Property Control Act.


The Sport, Arts & Culture (SAC) Sector is one of the 18 civil society sectors represented in SANAC. The Sector is responsible for implementing activities towards achieving the NSP goals and aims to coordinate, communicate and ensure there is consensus building within the sector and between sectors. Show Me Your Number (SMYN) serves as the Secretariat and Coordinating organization mandated by the sector. In this role, SMYN provides leadership, administrative, implementation, monitoring and reporting functions on behalf of the sector to SANAC. The SAC encompasses a wide range of partners including government, the private sector, non-governmental organisations and individual men and women. These partners are tasked with conceptualising and leading campaigns for their constituencies, using sport, arts & culture as “a vehicle to help mitigate the spread and impact of HIV and AIDS (UN, 2003)”.

Ms. Steve Letsike

Sector Leadership

About Sport, Arts & Culture Sector

The adopted Sector priorities to contribute to the National Strategic Plan on HIV, TB & STIs are as follows:

  • Education, information, training, coaching and mentoring on HIV, TB & STI prevention through sport, arts & culture platforms and individuals.
  • Develop and popularise toolkits and information materials, especially targetting the youth through sport, arts and culture events and programmes.
  • Demand generation/ social mobilisation for access to health services (including HIV Counselling & Testing – HCT, Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision – VMMC, TB screening, healthy lifestyle screening etc.) through sport, arts & culture platforms and individuals.
  • Promoting positive messages through innovative Social and Behaviour Change Communications (SBCC) on HIV, TB & STIs including advocating for an end to social drivers of HIV, TB & STIs including but not limited to Gender Based Violence (GBV).
  • Using sport, arts & culture platforms and individuals for prevention and acting against stigma and discrimination related to HIV, TB & STIs
  • Transformation of allocation of resources to enable sport, arts & culture platforms and individuals to access resources to enable their meaningful participation in the HIV, TB & STIs response. The sector should engage with other civil society sectors to advocate for this transformation.
  • Engage and sign MOUs for collaboration between the sector and government (at national, provincial, district and local levels), private sector and development partners.)


This plan will be implemented through implementation of the following activities:

Toolkits & information dissemination
Demand generation & social mobilization
Social & behaviour change communications (SBCC) through sport, arts & culture
Prevention of stigma & discrimination Reduction of human rights violations
Advocacy on funding landscape
Partnership development & maintenance
Resource mobilization
Sector administration & management

A re dlale safe

Sector Projects

A re dlale safe campaign is the flagship project of SANAC Sport, Art & Culture Sector driven by Show Me Your Number and other organizations in the sector. Through this project, the sector seeks to increase the uptake of usage of male and female condoms, promoting uptake of HIV Counseling & Testing services as well as promote circumcision by males.

Ubuntu Calabash
Sector Database